Young Agents Can Mold and Dominate the Insurance Industry
Since they are only 17 or 18 years old when they graduate high school, many young adults struggle with their decision of a career path.
Fortunately, I felt confident from an early age that a path in the insurance industry would be the one I would take. It may come as a surprise to some, but I didn’t have background knowledge or family in the industry. Instead, I had a great professor at Ramapo College of New Jersey who offered a risk management course. The next thing I knew, I was hooked and wanted to learn more.
Shortly after completing that course, I was lucky enough to be introduced to Hanson & Ryan where I began my internship and I still hold a position as a commercial lines marketing representative.
Who’s coming and going
In this industry, the younger generation is quickly filling the shoes of those who are now retiring. In 2015, the average age of an insurance agent was 59 years old—it has since dropped to 44 years old.
This change will benefit the industry tremendously because with constantly evolving technology, the younger generation has the upper hand because they have known technology their whole lives. There is no better time than now for young adults the start their insurance career for countless reasons.
When starting my career, I had no idea how many opportunities would arise, how many relationships I would create, or how much I would grow on a both a personal and professional level. Since I started my career at 20 years old, I have worked in various roles within an agency, and I have had the time to transfer into a position in which I would succeed.
The power of professional organizations
By getting involved with the Young Insurance Professionals and Professional Insurance Agents, I have been provided with the resources I need to excel in my career along with lifelong friendships.
As a YIP member, the most valuable resource you have is your peers. You are surrounded by a group of people who can give you unbiased advice and opinions as a professional, rather than as a competitor.
There is so much to learn about the ever-changing insurance industry and this network gives you access to individuals who may specialize in an area that may not be your expertise.
To put it simply, there is no downside to starting this profession right out of school. By doing so, you have more time to expand your knowledge and make this a career you enjoy. The younger generation certainly has big shoes to fill, but their successes are inevitable.