Hanson & Ryan

Craft Breweries’ Insurance Exposure Risk Factors: Everything You Need to Know

bronze taps at a brewery

In the past 30 years, the number of brewers in the U.S. has grown from less than 100 to more than 2,400 and counting, 98 percent of which are considered regional craft brewers, microbreweries or brewpubs. As this niche of the industry continues to grow at an exponential pace, so, too, does the need for expansive insurance options to cover the unique and varied risk exposures.

Given their size and average output, craft breweries have very different needs than those of traditional breweries. While larger breweries can primarily be described as manufacturing outfits, it is not uncommon for craft breweries to be run in conjunction with restaurants or pubs, often operating in the same location. As a result, craft breweries must consider the myriad of risk exposures when determining adequate insurance for the business.

Top 5 Risk Exposures for Craft Breweries

Best Insurance Coverage for Craft Breweries:

With such a diverse range of exposures, you need to not only be vigilant in how you manage your operations, but you also need to protect your business should the unexpected happen. Here are some common types of insurance for craft breweries:

The world of craft brewing is rapidly expanding, and so are the associated insurance requirements. We can help you determine which options are right for your business, no matter how unique, to deliver the most comprehensive coverage at the most affordable price.

For more information about insurance and risk management for your craft brewery, contact one of our insurance experts.

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